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Methodological features of the study of Russian cosmism in Russian culture

  • Annotation
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The article examines the original phenomenon of Russian cosmism, generated by the culture of the Gorbachev period of «perestroika». Russian cosmism is an original synthesis of scientific ideas, religious and philosophical insights, as well as poetic and artistic penetration into the mysteries of the cosmos. The article shows the limit of applicability of the concept of «Russian cosmism» to Russian philosophy, poetry and ballet. In a number of research works, a «circular» error was revealed when substantiating the involvement in «Russian cosmism» of musical works, ballet, painting and literature based on the content of the ideas of the philosophy of cosmism in them. The article shows that in the era of the Silver Age, philosophers, scientists and writers did not realize the commonality of the ideas of «Russian cosmism». The article proves that one can speak about the philosophy of Russian cosmism only with the advent of critical philosophical reflection on the foundations and principles of the corresponding school – participants in scientific Readings in memory of K. E. Tsiolkovsky realized the presence of a group of Russian thinkers-cosmists only in the late 60s of the XX century. It is shown that Russian cosmism finally acquires its essence only during the years of Gorbachev’s «perestroika», when it becomes a new Russian «saving» ideology for the entire world.

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Authors: Alexandrov Il’ya Yur’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 6-12
УДК: [13(=161.1):2-17]:001.8
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-4-6-12
Keywords: Russian cosmism, сultural space, period of «perestroika», cultural phenomenon of Russian cosmism, study of Russian cosmism, transhumanism
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