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National traditions as a basis for education of military and patriotic values: theoretical and legal aspects

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The article defines the term «national traditions» and analyses its similarities. It focuses on legal is- sues related to the fundamentals of state policy aimed at preserving and reinforcing Russia’s traditional spiritual and moral values. It also examines the problems of protecting national traditions at the present stage of the development of Russian society и studies the influence of socio-political decisions, state poli- cy and political system on education, including military-patriotic values. The article analyses the historical experience of public and individual interests’ balance and in a generalized form considers the concepts of «education» and «patriotism».

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Authors: Shukshin Sergej
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 128-134
УДК: 37.035.6
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-4-128-134
Keywords: national traditions, education, patriotism, national security strategy, foundations of state cultural policy, preservation of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, education of military- patriotic values
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