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The effectiveness of interactive methods in the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students

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Due to the rapidly changing political and economic situation in the world and the change of paradigms, Russian society is taking a course to create a new national education system and achieve technological sovereignty. The new education system will have to be based on the principles of academic mobility, a balanced combination of fundamental and practical training, flexibility of the educational route of students in accordance with their own needs and requirements of the labor market, as well as practicality. The relevance of the topic relates to the presentation of new requirements for education in modern conditions. The unilateral form of communication, which is traditional in the educational process, should gradually give way to multilateral communication. An essential element of the educational process should be the development of creative abilities of the individual, as well as the use of modern technologies in education. There is a tendency of innovative changes in the Russian education system, which are designed to create conditions for the transition to humanitarian and communicative interaction between teacher and student. The educational process should meet the requirements of the time and get rid of obsolete forms of teaching, giving way to interactive learning, which will provide not only practical development of the transferred knowledge, skills and abilities, but also create a comfortable environment and the opportunity for students to choose their personal educational trajectory.

  • Тихонова Анна Юрьевна
  • Заблоцки Элеонора Юрьевна
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Authors: Tikhonova Anna Yurevna
Zablotski Eleonora
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 94-102
УДК: 378.147:004.77
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-4-94-102
Keywords: interactive methods, forms and means of teaching, laboratory and team training, computer technologies, remote information and educational technologies, development of creative abilities of the individual
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