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Musical traditions of orthodox culture in the education of young people

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In the article, the music traditions of Orthodox culture in the education of young people are characterized and subjected to socio-cultural analysis. Forming a significant part of the spiritual and moral basis of Russian society, Orthodox culture today has a significant potential in educating the value orientations of young people, the implementation of which takes place on the basis of traditions formed over many centuries: the formation of ideal ideas about a person’s personality, the presence of mentors of a certain range of moral qualities, the inextricable connection of traditions with the national cultural and social code. Also, the article reveals the contradictions that characterize the process of forming the value orientations of youth based on the traditions of Orthodox culture at the present stage.

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Authors: Mironova Elena Yuryevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 44-48
УДК: 783.658:271.2(470.23-25)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-2-44-48
Keywords: Orthodox culture, Orthodoxy, traditions value orientations of youth, education in Orthodox traditions
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