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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Peter I and his time in the educational projects of the MAE RAS, XXI century

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Excursions and educational activities of the MAE RAS are inextricably linked with the history of the Kunstkamera, which was created by Peter I as a public museum, so that everyone, regardless of rank and title, could “come, watch and study”. In recent decades, the MAE RAS had been creating various cultural and educational projects for visitors, representing the figure of Peter the Great and his legacy. In the 1990s, MAE RAS participated in intermuseum projects dedicated to the events of the XVIII century. In the 2000–2010s, inspired by the era of Peter I, the staff of the Excursion Department developed weekend programs for children and families, created museum itineraries and quests. In recent years, the museum had held events related to the image of Peter the Great and the history of that time as part of citywide actions, collaborated with St. Petersburg educational institutions in the implementation of common educational projects. The era of Peter the Great has become an important topic which is covered in the museum’s social networks through various text materials, videos and interactive quizzes.

  • Петрова Александра Аркадьевна
  • Mylnikov A. S. «Benefits to the state in the future» The Kunstkamera as an academic museum is a particularly valuable object. Courier of the Petrovsky Kunstkamera. Saint-Petersburg, 1995. 2/3, 16–26 (in Russ.).
  • Soboleva E. S. V. V. Radlov and the transportation system in the MAE (late XIX – early XX century). Primus inter pares (on the 175th anniversary of the birth of V. V. Radlov). Saint-Petersburg: MAE RAN, 2015. 155–184 (in Russ.).
  • Sherstennikova E. S. Forms of museum communication in the MAE – Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the first half of the 20th century. Kunstkamera. 2022. 3 (17), 98–109 (in Russ.).
  • Shlyakhtina L. M. Recreational and educational mission of the modern museum: education or entertainment? Issues of museology. 2013. 2 (8), 206– 212 (in Russ.).
  • Report on the work of the MAE RAS in 2001. SaintPetersburg: MAE RAN, 2002. 87 (in Russ.).
  • Golovnev A. V., et al. Petrovskaya Kunstkamera, or Tower of Knowledge: approaches and solutions. Kunstkamera. 2022. 4 (18), 6–26 (in Russ.).
  • Skripkina L. I. Construction of new museums in the context of global challenges of our time. Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. 2015. 6 (68), 148–155 (in Russ.).
  • Mastenitsa E. N. Theatricalization in the literary museum: principles and forms. Bulletin of the SaintPetersburg State University of Culture. 2022. 2 (51), 99–106 (in Russ.).
  • Petrova A. A. Cultural and educational project «Memory through the years» as an experience of the museum with visitors. Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture. 2022. 3 (52), 86–91 (in Russ.).
Authors: Petrova Alexandra Arkadievna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 78-82
УДК: 94(470)”1682/1725”:[069:(572+39)](470.23-25)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-3-78-82
Keywords: Kunstkamera, Peter the Great, MAE RAS, education, museum pedagogy, SMM
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