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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Digital collection of the Presidential Library as a basis for studying the history of education in Russia

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The role of state policy in the formation and development of the system of education and enlightenment in Russia is considered. The concept of «mentoring» acquired its modern meaning from the mid1960s, when it began to be widely introduced into the system of vocational education, becoming part of state policy. Formation of the image of a teacher-mentor is an urgent issue of modernizing the system of Russian education. To recognize the special status of teaching staff, including those performing mentoring activities, 2023 has been declared the Year of the Teacher and Mentor. The experience of the Presidential Library in the formation of the digital collection «History of Education in Russia», timed to coincide with this event, is presented. The purpose of the collection is to provide informational support to the state policy in the field of education and enlightenment, as well as a comprehensive presentation of documents and materials reflecting the history of the development of the education system in Russia. The creation of the collection is aimed at popularizing the Russian education system in society.

  • Серебрянникова Татьяна Олеговна
  • Стегаева Мария Витальевна
  • Year of a Teacher and Mentor. Ministry of Education of Russia: offic. Internet resource. Moscow, 2023. URL: https://edu.gov.ru/god_pedagoga_i_ nastavnika (accessed: 30.03.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Stegaeva M. V. Organization of the regional space of knowledge: the experience of the Presidential Library in the formation of region-oriented digital collections. Information resources of Russia. 2018. 4 (164), 2–5 (in Russ.).
  • Mansurov T. Kh. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov. Lifelong education. Continuous Pedagogical Education. ru. 2013. 4, 44 (in Russ.).
  • Borisova M. N. Legal regulation of the protection of the rights of consumers of educational services in the field of higher professional education: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in legal sciences: 12.00.03. Moscow, 2011. 204 (in Russ.).
  • Leontiev A. A. The history of education in Russia from Ancient Rus’ to the end of the 20th century. Russian language. 2001. 33, 10–13 (in Russ.).
Authors: Serebrjannikova Tatiana Olegovna
Stegaeva Maria Vital’evna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 181-184
УДК: 37(470)(091):[027.54:004]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-3-181-185
Keywords: education, history, teachers, mentors, digital collections, Presidential Library
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