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Intertext in the hermeneutics of myth

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Intertextuality is considered as a dialogical interaction of various sign systems, a significant hermeneutic category, and therefore as a property of thinking, a mechanism of interpretation, correlation of one text with another. The image of the palimpsest is used as a metaphor of the intertext, the multilevel unity of which makes it possible to show the property of consciousness to correlate and synthesize various texts. An attempt is made to differentiate the collective and individual plans of intertext in mythological thinking. The first is associated with the archetypes of the collective unconscious, the universals of the imaginary, and the second is due to the depth of personal perception, outlook and development of imaginative thinking. With a structural-semiotic understanding of culture as a text, the palimpsest turns out to be an image that allows showing the multilevel complexity of cultural memory, creativity and thinking, in other words, the image of an operational invariant, a matrix for many variations of reading. As an example of universal mental operations, the phenomena of miracle and laughter are given. The first is interpreted as a semantic coincidence of a mental fact and an event, the second – as a dual mental interpretation of the event.

  • Свиридова Любовь Олеговна
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Authors: Sviridova Lyubov’ Olegovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 75-79
УДК: 801.73:2-264
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-4-75-79
Keywords: myth, structuralism, semiotics, intertextuality, intertext, hermeneutics, miracle, laughter
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