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Scholarly monograph: dynamics of citation and reader’s demand

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The purpose of the paper: the determination the main features of the development of the scholarly monograph based on the analysis of the documentary array of domestic monographs presented in the resources elibrary.ru in recent years — from 2010 to 2021 inclusive: how its circulation, volume, system of preparation and publication changes, how the dynamics of its citation changes during this period, how its industry specialization affects this process. Over the 12 years of study (from 2010 to 2021), some specifications have changed in a scholarly monograph, for example, volume, circulation, preparation system and publishing origin. In terms of content, scholarly monographs are more related to the social and humanitarian complex of sciences. The same sections have the highest citation rates. The active transfer of monographs to electronic collections of large aggregations that develop modern ways of accessing and using content contributes significantly to the increase in the citation and use of scholarly monographs. The volume of reader demand in the SPSTL SB RAS for the cited titles exceeds twice the volume of citations. There is a connection between citation and the demand for titles: a greater demand for books in the library provides a greater number of citations and this should be considered and used when solving issues of primary and secondary selection in the library collections and in the system of preservation of publications.

  • Подкорытова Наталья Ивановна
  • Куулар Марта Чечен-ооловна
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Authors: Подкорытова Наталья Ивановна
Куулар Марта Чечен-ооловна
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 145-149
УДК: 001:002.2”2010/2021”
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-4-145-149
Keywords: citation of scholarly monograph, indicators for evaluating publications, scholarly monograph, scientific monograph, scholarly communications, scientific publishing in Russia, reader’s demand for scientific literature, completeness of library collections
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