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Current methodological approaches to the development of online courses in art

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In an article on the topic of art history discipline, the forms and directions of including digital tools in the educational process. For the art historical disciplinary, the emphasis is on working with visual and verbal texts, focusing on the development of skills, analysis of various sources, professional writing and mastery of rhetoric, professional reading skills, critical assessment of sources, understanding the context of the creation of both one’s own art and their critical accompaniment. This needs to be considered when incorporating online learning elements into higher education courses using digital platforms. The introduction of slot machine forms and the importance of communication with the original source, skills in understanding the visual artifact, combined with the use of digital copies and working with originals. The use of digital tools to create exercises may include elements of gamification, but should be didactically justified, and their development should not contain restrictions. Also, students and teachers of humanities often require additional training courses on working with software, technical support and supervisor support. This also applies to the use of digital information tools, which are gradually shaping the individualization of learning (platforms, social networks, chat bots). The 20th Century Fashion: Art and Industry course examines the prospects and features of reverse instructional design in online continuing education courses.

  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
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Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 84-90
УДК: 7.01:[37:004.771]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2024-1-84-90
Keywords: methods of teaching art history disciplines, individualization of higher education, return pedagogical design, metrics of the quality of the educational product, digital tools in education
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