научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

The power of context in the situation of «death events»

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The article is devoted to the complex analysis of the phenomenon of the modern culture and art as «death events» as a result of overwhelming amount of information, study the mechanisms of information culture, their impact on the viewer’s perception of mass and elite art. Contextualization through markers open and direct in mass texts, sophisticated and subtle lyrics claiming elitism are two sides of the same coin. Copyright by analyzing texts of contemporary culture defines vectors contextualizing information identifies three most urgent today context: biography, Victorian romance and cyberpunk. Today youth culture is a source of new and up-narattiv receded. Youth subcultures stop feeding the global culture with new information are also looking for a new platform for development. Therefore understandable tendency to search for identity within the biography, retro end escapism within the Victorian, awareness features modern configuration of the world where it seems to break the boundaries of natural and artificial natural and cultural, human and technical framework in cyberpunk.
  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
  • Данто А. Аналитическая философия истории. М.: Идея-Пресс, 2002. С. 194.
  • Кемпинский А. Психология шизофрении / пер. с пол. А. А. Боричева. СПб.: Ювента, 1998. С. 21.
  • Килошенко М. Психология моды. СПб.: Речь, 2001. С. 44.
  • Лиотар Ж.-Ф. Состояние постмодерна. СПб.: Алетейя, 1998. 160 с.
  • Эпштейн М. Информационный взрыв и травма постмодернизма // Звезда. 1999. № 11. С. 220.
Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 29-32
УДК: 7.067
Keywords: information culture, narrative context, biography, contemporary art, Victorian aesthetics, cyberpunk
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