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Funny culture of middle ages in gesture of Guillaume Orange

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For the first time on the basis of the analysis of texts of epic works of the early and developed Middle Ages the reflection in the fanny culture of assignment by the national consciousness of socially significant values and consent with social stratification of society is investigated. The ridicule of the Pope, priests, nobles, ladies, chivalry, along with the presence of an idealized hero from the upper class indicates the adoption of the model of social relations by the people. Features of two layers of military subculture are revealed: the people perceiving war as disaster, and noble estate for which war was a way of life. The ambivalence of the military subculture of the Middle Ages allowed to develop knight codes of honor, which became the basis of codes of officer and military honor of modern armies, and to maintain a pragmatic perception of war as a process of organized murder, which prevented inappropriate idealization of the enemy on the battlefield. The complex features of these subcultures provided both the solution of the main task of any war - the destruction of the enemy-and the limitation of violence and the preservation of the identity and mental health of combatants.
  • Зверев Сергей Эдуардович
  • Бахтин М. М. Творчество Франсуа Рабле и народная культура средневековья и Ренессанса. Москва: Худож. лит., 1990. 543 с.
  • Титмар Мерзебургский. Хроника: в 8 кн. 2-е изд. Москва: Рус. панорама, 2009. 254 с.
  • Песни о Гильоме Оранжском. Москва: Наука, 1985. 575 с.
  • Песнь о Роланде: старофранцузский героический эпос. Москва; Ленинград: Наука, Ленингр. отд-ние, 1964. 192 с.
Authors: Zverev Sergei Eduardovich
Рубрика: История культуры. История изучения культуры 130900
Pages: 36-40
УДК: 008:[82-131+398.2]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-3-36-40
Keywords: funny culture, military subculture, epic, gesture, chivalrous romance, education, Christian values
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