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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Apology of happiness in Buddhist ethical culture of early medieval India

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

1. Younger P. The concept of Duhkha and the Indianreligious tradition. J. of the Amer. Acad. of Religion. 1969. 37(2), 141–152.2. Dhammajoti Bhikkhu K. L. Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma.Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, Univ. of Hong Kong, 2009. 586.3. Bayer A. The theory of Karman in theAbhidharmasamuccaya. Tokyo: The Intern. inst. for BuddhistStudies, 2010. 484.4. Pradhan P. (ed.) Abhidharmakośabhāsyam ofVasubandhu : Sanskrit text of a work on Buddhist philosophy.Patna: K. P. Jayaswal research inst., 1975. 526. (Tibetan Sanskritworks series; 8).5. Vasubandhu; Ostrovskaia E. P. (comp.); Rudoi V. I.(comp.). Encyclopedia of Buddhist canonical philosophy.Abhidharmakosha. Sect. V and VI. Saint Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Univ. press, 2006. 519 (in Russ.).6. Vasubandhu; Ostrovskaia E. P. (comp.); Rudoi V. I.(comp.). Encyclopedia of Abhidharma or Abhidharmakosha.Sect. I and II. Moscow: Ladomir, 1998. 669 (in Russ.).

  • Островская Елена Петровна
  • Buddhism is one of traditional religions of peoples of Russia, therefore the history of Buddhist moral culture is the object of special interest for Russian scholars. Most studies pay primary attention to the problem of suf ering as basic category of Buddhist ethics elaborated by Medieval Indian thinkers. The problem of reality of happiness was discussed by them in details but remains the less studied topic in cultural studies. The present article treats the basic aspects of this discussion explicated in the fundamental exegetical treatise «The Encyclopedia of Abhidharma» (Abhidharmakośa) ascribed to eminent Buddhist thinker Vasubandhu (4th – 5th centuries). The article presents dif erences between the philosophical positions of competitors and substantial aspects of argumentation. The exegetical discourse concerning the demonstration of the reality of happiness was aimed at the explication of ethical value of this concept through its association with the conception of religious virtue
Authors: Ostrovskaya Elena Petrovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 98-102
УДК: УДК [24-425:17.023.34](540)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-98-102
Keywords: early medieval India, Buddhism, Buddhist culture, Buddhist ethics, Vasubandhu, Abhidharmakośa, reality of happiness
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