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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Social communication in context of formation of mass culture

  • Annotation
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The role and place of social communications in the process of formation of mass culture are analyzed. Various approaches to popular culture in the scientific literature, identify the main trends in studies of public relations in mass society are discussed. The initial experience of the communicative mediation of certain social relations using communication technologies to create social solidarity within communities in pre-industrial times is examined. At this time, the sphere of public discourse was elitist, which was an obstacle to the development of new forms of social communication. The reasons why in the early industrial age the information exchange in the society becomes more intense, widespread and varied in shape are presented. The development and dissemination of informational genres, forms and structures associated with the development of social relations. On the industrial stage of society development the more developed economic relations form the conditions for the emergence of modern forms of communication. It is noted that the development of social relations and industrial development provided a powerful impetus to the development and social communications and mass culture. The theory, which referred to the need to create a system of solidarity between different social strata and groups in democratic societies is analyzed. For example, the national history considers the outcomes and problems of development of mass culture in Russia. It is noted that mass culture is not only natural, but also an important stage in the development of society, which plays an important role in the process of socialization and stabilization of the society. Modern social communications in mass culture of democratic societies create the necessary conditions for the expansion of information exchange in society, including the cultural sphere. The diversity and sophistication of the forms of social communication in the society allow qualitative evaluation of the main features of mass culture.

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Authors: Rusakov Arkadii Yur’evich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 61-65
УДК: 316.77+316.75(470)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2017-4-61-65
Keywords: mass culture, traditional culture, social communication, mass society, social relations, information exchange
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