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Bibliopsychology in culture of textual activity

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Bibliopsychology in the development of the culture of textual activity in the digital age is considered. The most important problem is the interdisciplinary integration of the semiotic component of the text activity in cultural studies and psychology. The culture of text activity in the context of development of writing as consolidation of cultural experience of mankind, social and individual communication including all ways of communication in different historical periods is proved. Information was transmitted in verbal (oral), visual, sound, dance forms in the pre-written period, and preserved in the written period. The modern understanding of textual activity is connected with the variety of sign systems. An interdisciplinary synthesis is needed in the development of the culture of textual activity. Analyzes the concept bibliopsychology values, which include verbal, nonverbal and creolized texts of different levels of semiotic integration. Psychosemiotic-communicative experience of text typology based on the semiotic paradigm of integration of cultural studies and bibliopsychology is presented. It is proposed as a methodology of textual activities in the digital era, the transfer of N. A. Rubakin’s bibliopsychology in cultural knowledge with respect to education and culture to study bibliopsychology values based on the semiotic psychology. Semiotic psychology includes the concept of the triad (semiotic, intersemiotic, superemotional) in the perception, understanding, learning and diagnosis texts depending on the level of semiotic integration, with constructive and heuristic potential. The issues of diagnostics of work with such texts and creation of new texts for cultural studies and psychology on their basis are very relevant. Important is the psychological and cultural issue of perception of such texts and identification of dominant elements in them, acting as a bond for a more generalized semiotic product in a holistic understanding of the meaning of the text. The introduction of bibliopsychology into cultural studies will expand the boundaries of cultural textual activity in the information field of human civilization.
  • Бородина Валентина Александровна
  • Рубакин Н. А. Библиологическая психология. Москва: Акад. проект: Трикста, 2006. 799 с.
  • Семеновкер Б. А. Эволюция информационной деятельности: бесписьменное общество / Рос. гос. б-ка. Москва: Пашков дом, 2007. 144 с.
  • Бородина В. А. Изучение продуктивности чтения текстов новой природы: основные направления исследования в интересах будущего библиотек // Библиотековедение. 2017. № 2. С. 159-165.
  • Бородина В. А. Диагностика когнитивных умений в работе с креализованными текстами в условиях библиотек // Социолог и психолог в библиотеке: сб. ст. и материалов / Рос. гос. б-ка для молодежи. Москва, 2018. Вып. 9. С. 118-123.
Authors: Borodina Valentina Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение 133100
Pages: 137-141
УДК: 028.02
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-3-137-141
Keywords: bibliopsychology, cultural studies, text activity, semiotics, bibliopsychological values, creolized texts, digital technologies, text typology
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