научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii’ cultural concept

  • Annotation
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The article describes the concept of culture, put forward and developed by Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii. Russian thinkers of
the 19th–20th centuries, especially symbolists, actively considered the problems of culture, its essence, specifi cs and prospects.
Symbolism was a signifi cant and original phenomenon of Russian and world culture. Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii was very
important for Russian symbolism, because he created an original system of symbolism in culture. It is noted that the perception
of culture for the thinker is closely connected with the ideas of spirituality and religion. The connection of culture and religion,
the understanding of creativity as a theurgy, the connection of art and life are the basic ideas of his symbolic concept. Dmitrii
S. Merezhkovskii believed that culture is «creativity of values». He believed that the main function of culture is the accumulation
and preservation of these values. Culture for Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii has no national identity, it is a common, global phenomenon.
Culture is closely connected with symbolism, appears in its categories, its values are eternal, have a global character, are ethical.
Purpose of culture, according to Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii, – to fi ll the life of man and society with spiritual content. The concept
of culture of Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii refl ects his symbolic, aesthetic, ethical and cultural ideas. It connects his ideas about
religion, history, culture and society.

  • Хрипункова Оксана Васильевна
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Authors: Khripunkova Oksana Vasilevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 60-63
УДК: УДК 130.2(=161.1)(091)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-59-62
Keywords: culture, concept of culture, Silver age, symbolism, Dmitrii S. Merezhkovskii, religion, spirituality, theurgy, aesthetics, axiology
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