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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Volunteer activities as modern Russian society phenomenon

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

In the 21st century volunteer (voluntary) activity is positioned as one of the progressive forms of social activity of citizens
and is recognized as a socially signifi cant phenomenon around the world. «Volunteerism is becoming an integral part of every
person’s life and is turning from a rare phenomenon into a dynamic social trend», – said the Chairman of the Federation Council
V. I. Matvienko at one of the meetings with the participants of the volunteer marathon dedicated to the Year of the volunteer.
Volunteer activities, since ancient times, developed in stages. Each stage of development is characterized by its own characteristics,
principles, goals and objectives. To disclose the content of volunteer activities at each stage, federal and regional normative
legal acts in the fi eld of volunteering were studied, the specifi cs and main activities of large public volunteer organizations of
Saint Petersburg were analyzed, the experience of participation in volunteer projects of student youth was summarized and the
main motives for participation in this activity were identifi ed.

  • Паклина Елена Алексеевна
  • 1. Tasks of youth unions: speech at 3rd all-Russian con-gress of Russian Communist Youth Union, October 2, 1920.Lenin V. I. Complete works. 5th ed. Moscow: Polit. lit. state publ.house, 1981. 41. 298–318 (in Russ.). 2. Ukh»yankin S. P. Пионеры-тимуровцы. Москва, 1961.URL: https: // booksite.ru (accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 3. Novikov M. A. History, problems and prospects ofdevelopment of youth volunteering in Russia. Historical,philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies andart history: theory and practice. 2011. 6 (3), 141–144 (in Russ.). 4. About statement of Bases of State Youth Policy ofRussian Federation for period till 2025: order of Governmentof Russian Federation № 2403-p, November 29, 2014. URL:https: // garant.ru (accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.).
Authors: Paklina Elena Alekseevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 112-116
УДК: УДК 316.663:364-32(470)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-111-115
Keywords: volunteer activities, volunteering, non-profi t public organization, volunteer, Year of volunteer, student youth, training program, school on training volunteers
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