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Construction of national identity in Italy: from the Italians to the Italics

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Questions connected with national identity, national character and nations self-defying are usually appealing at time of globalization. In Italy these problems exist in scientif c research for quite a long time and are still relevant today. Among the recent approach to Italian national identity the most popular are those which pose that nation’s unity is based on common everyday culture, which brings dif erent Italian regions into one country. Ultimately more and more scholars speak not about «italianity», but «itality», about glocal Italian culture, which is spread beyond its geographical bounds. So national identity has become a personal feature which one can choose himself, it is no more something established before birth.

  • Борисова Дарья Сергеевна
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Authors: Borisova Daria Sergeevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 16-21
УДК: УДК 323.11(450):316.733
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-16-21
Keywords: national identity, national character, Italy, everyday culture, campanilism, glocalism
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