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Kinematics as a quality of a museum object

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The article is based on the materials of the report made during the plenary session of the scientifi c conference «Technical Museum: traditions and innovations» held in 22–23 April 2019 at the Museum of urban electric transport in St. Petersburg. The author of the article sees movement, i. e. violation of the stationary exposition state of a Museum object, as the most important property of objects of scientifi c and technical heritage in technical and universal museums. Movement is considered as one of the means of enhancing the fullness of the meaning of the exhibit, saturating it with more expressive attractive characteristics that reveal the informational potential of the thing in the Museum. The usual static items on display is considered by the author as a legacy of early collecting in the Renaissance, and the formation of Museum collections in the age of Enlightenment, which was due to an unconscious transference of the ways of perception of works of art culture on the ways of perception of objects science and technology in museums of the corresponding profi le. Moving away from this paradigm, strengthening the visual and informational qualities of monuments of scientifi c and technical progress through movement is the most optimal form of Museum existence of works of technical culture. The article presents options for updating the kinematic properties of a Museum object in the Museum space, which, if successfully implemented, should lead to an increase in the ax iological characteristics of the thing. The kinematics of the exhibit determines its state, which can be considered a full-fl edged existence of the thing in view of its functional purpose. 

  • Мухин Андрей Сергеевич
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Authors: Mukhin Andrei Sergeevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 69-74
УДК: УДК 069.536.6
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-69-74
Keywords: kinematics, movement, technical museums, exposition, object of scientifi c and technical heritage, functioning of museum object, transport, axiological characteristics of the museum object
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