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Strabo about culture of Hellenistic Bactria

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The actuality of this work is the studying of the cultural foundation of the modern Central Asia and its descriptions in the scientifi c ancient literature. The aim of the article is the examination of Strabo’s knowledge about Hellenistic Bactria. The materials, which were used in the research, concern to the scientifi c direction socalled Strabonian studies. The methods of the analysis of Strabo’s heritage are based on the classical works by H. White and F. R. Ankersmit. The main part of the article is the analysis of the sources, on which Strabo’s knowledge is based on. It is placed the emphasis on the political views, that were in the Roman Empire at the time. The special attention is given to the historiosophical views of this antique author. In his “Geography” Strabo not only compiles the material about diff erent countries and people but creates the conceptual and complete scientifi c work. This work serves to glorifi cation of the Roman Empire and Emperor Augustus. Strabo’s knowledge about Bactria is not the set of old well-known facts on the geography, history and funny stories about “strange culture” of the East, but facts, carefully selected according to the general plan of the literary work. 

  • Попов Артем Анатольевич
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Authors: Popov Artem Anatol’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 86-91
УДК: УДК 008(396.4)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-86-91
Keywords: Hellenistic period, Hellenistic culture, Bactria, Greco-Bactria, Strabo
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